My job as market assistant is pretty low key. I usually spend three hours sitting at a table with flyers and canvas bags (only $10!). I read, I people-watch, I answer the occasional question. Only rarely do I get a really goofy character like this guy. Luckily Skot was there with a punchline ready.
I'm such a sucker...I had to immediatly google it and see who he was. That's probably exactly what he wants us to do. Fight the urge!
Yeah, I googled it too... Di Francos think alike, I suppose.
Wow, it didn't occur to me to Google him. But yeah...
Lora. These are so funny and so excellent. I am totally impressed by your level of talent in these comics. This exact comic could have run in a daily or weekly paper.
For reals, y'all.
I am so proud of you.
Kisses and such,
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